
The Start of Something Great

When the creator first started, I was a pile of mush, a splatter of something that wasn’t defined yet. I was blank, but I knew I was the beginning of something meaningful, but what? What was I supposed to be? I was hungry for something to feed my shapeless body. So the creator fed me, and I slowly got a few angles and corners. But I was still hungry, my embodiment wanted more of this magic mixture. So the creator gave me some more. Slowly I felt a tingle. My undefinable self looked more familiar to the eyes that surrounded me. The blob features and crazy angles I had before took on different shapes. But still, it wasn’t enough. I wanted more so the creator took a moment and stared into my hollow soul. He/she then dug around in his/her pockets and pulled out random items from his/her hat, but nothing he/she found pleased him/her. Until the creator found a bag that shined brighter than a light bulb. Inside was a string, a wisp of something yummy, something that looked amazing, and one of a kind. Each wisp had a different color and a different vibe. And the creator fed me this sweet string. Soon I felt my body, and the shapes that made it up became more connected and more composed. I had turned into something different. I was no longer a blob or a collection of figures. I was something more. The Creator fed me more and more wisps all of which tasted different but equally delicious. I was turning into something amazing. But my soul still felt hollow. I had a thirst for something euphoric. Then the creator poured something into my essence that made it no longer empty but filled with buzz, and energy. I felt that finally I had come to life. Color filled my lungs and mind. Now I can speak and communicate my meaning. I was now enlighted about my purpose in this world that was taking shape and color. The creator smiled at me. I looked around, there were more like me but we didn’t all look the same, or do the same thing. However, I could see that we all started the same way. We all were once blobs without a shape, soul, or mind. However, as our journey began we began changing in different ways that made each one of us unique. The Creator told us that we weren’t flawless, and weren’t what he/she had in mind initially. Nevertheless, he/she was happy with the outcome, and so were we. I looked out to my peers, and together we all shared a smile and we thanked the creator for giving us shape, soul, and a mind.

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