The Sea of Thoughts

I am surrounded by a blue sea. Its waves that once were wild are now still. I am away from my family and friends, I have gone far, so far… I could go back to the land, to the soft grass under my bare feet, to the fields of roses and tulips, but no. I have decided to stay, in the middle of a great sea. I dare not go farther. I won’t go back. I remain still in my little boat, deep in thought. I have escaped my troubles, locked them in my chest of worries and problems. I look around my boat and see a fishing rod. I cast it in the waters.  As I wait for a bite, I open the chest hesitantly. I instantly drown in my worries. I take one problem out at a time. I sit wondering. Here I am in the middle of a vast sea on an even giant planet in a gigantic universe. My problems suddenly seem so small like it was just an unnoticed scratch. Stronger than ever I opened my chest and dumped my problems all at once. They slowly disappear as I figure out an easy solution to each one. I smile when I pick up the last problem. Suddenly I felt a bite on the fishing rod. I happily pull the hook out of the water. The hook had a big fish. I think of the fish’s family and let it go. I find one more easy solution for the last problem. The heavy chest I had before was now empty and light. My work here is done. I pack up and look around, I smile. I turn the boat to go back home. I say bye, to the sea of thoughts.

Photo by Nuno Obey on

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