

The Start of Something Great

When the creator first started, I was a pile of mush, a splatter of something that wasn’t defined yet. I was blank, but I knew I was the beginning of something meaningful, but what? What was I supposed to be? I was hungry for something to feed my shapeless body. So the creator fed me, and I slowly got a few angles and corners. But I was still hungry, my embodiment wanted more of this magic mixture. So the creator gave me some more. Slowly I felt a tingle. My undefinable self looked more familiar to the eyes that surrounded me. The blob features and crazy angles I had before took on different shapes. But still, it wasn’t enough. I wanted more so the creator took a moment and stared into my hollow soul. He/she then dug around in his/her pockets and pulled out random items from his/her hat, but nothing he/she found pleased him/her. Until the creator found a bag that shined brighter than a light bulb. Inside was a string, a wisp of something yummy, something that looked amazing, and one of a kind. Each wisp had a different color and a different vibe. And the creator fed me this sweet string. Soon I felt my body, and the shapes that made it up became more connected and more composed. I had turned into something different. I was no longer a blob or a collection of figures. I was something more. The Creator fed me more and more wisps all of which tasted different but equally delicious. I was turning into something amazing. But my soul still felt hollow. I had a thirst for something euphoric. Then the creator poured something into my essence that made it no longer empty but filled with buzz, and energy. I felt that finally I had come to life. Color filled my lungs and mind. Now I can speak and communicate my meaning. I was now enlighted about my purpose in this world that was taking shape and color. The creator smiled at me. I looked around, there were more like me but we didn’t all look the same, or do the same thing. However, I could see that we all started the same way. We all were once blobs without a shape, soul, or mind. However, as our journey began we began changing in different ways that made each one of us unique. The Creator told us that we weren’t flawless, and weren’t what he/she had in mind initially. Nevertheless, he/she was happy with the outcome, and so were we. I looked out to my peers, and together we all shared a smile and we thanked the creator for giving us shape, soul, and a mind.

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The Sea of Thoughts

I am surrounded by a blue sea. Its waves that once were wild are now still. I am away from my family and friends, I have gone far, so far… I could go back to the land, to the soft grass under my bare feet, to the fields of roses and tulips, but no. I have decided to stay, in the middle of a great sea. I dare not go farther. I won’t go back. I remain still in my little boat, deep in thought. I have escaped my troubles, locked them in my chest of worries and problems. I look around my boat and see a fishing rod. I cast it in the waters.  As I wait for a bite, I open the chest hesitantly. I instantly drown in my worries. I take one problem out at a time. I sit wondering. Here I am in the middle of a vast sea on an even giant planet in a gigantic universe. My problems suddenly seem so small like it was just an unnoticed scratch. Stronger than ever I opened my chest and dumped my problems all at once. They slowly disappear as I figure out an easy solution to each one. I smile when I pick up the last problem. Suddenly I felt a bite on the fishing rod. I happily pull the hook out of the water. The hook had a big fish. I think of the fish’s family and let it go. I find one more easy solution for the last problem. The heavy chest I had before was now empty and light. My work here is done. I pack up and look around, I smile. I turn the boat to go back home. I say bye, to the sea of thoughts.

Photo by Nuno Obey on Pexels.com

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The Forever

Faraway, I hear a whisper, so quiet and soft. Faraway, I hear a call. Louder and louder, it gets every minute. Soon I stand in internal darkness. I hear music and it calms my soul. I fall asleep, flying with the wind to a place hidden from the world’s eyes. I fly so far away from my home, knowing that I may never return. Light sparkly golden dust holds me high in the sky. As I close my droopy eyes. I see a mess of colors bouncing in my mind like bubbles. Then the colors are gone and replaced by the place I have wished to see my whole life. I feel a tingle of sadness. Once entered, I’ll never want to leave. For this place is the place of dreams.

 No! It is not dreamland, whatever that may be. This is “The Forever” you see. This is the place I wish to be.  Full of magic and fun. Full happiness and love. Soon my body feels light. Soon my mind goes blank. I open my eyes from my long nap, and I see a vision I have only thought to be a dream. I smile as my bare feet touch the wet dew grass. I look at the meadow before me. Fairies and pixies fly around me as I stare at this beauty. I hear that call again. Closer and louder than before. I walk through the grassland, following the voice I know is destiny. 

 I found my new home, a home of wonder. This is where I belong. This is the place that calls me. That makes me feel complete. But still, a part of me, cries in a dark corner, hoping to see my old home again. But now I have accepted my new home and there is no going back. So, I stand here in the Forever. Dancing and singing to my heart’s delight. Writing to my heart’s content about the many stories here. Wishing for you to come and join me. I’ll wait for you in the meadow where I first landed in “The Forever”. I’ll wait till it’s time for you to come to join me. But until then, know I remember you still while I’m far away in a place I can’t fully describe, and that I’ll wait for you to arrive.

A part of “The Forever”

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Two wonderful hearts to fill love inside you

Love is a whisper to the ear. It is a weakness to the heart and a distraction to the mind. Only a couple of us can handle it. Even animals feel it. Love is all around us, it knows us, and sticks to us like glue. It is inside every single living thing on earth. But the question is do we know it? Do we stick to it? Do we live inside it? These questions are all waiting for answer. Humans are the smartest living thing God has ever made and we humans want answers to every single question about everything around us, and as time goes by, questions are getting made and answered but we are never able to answer the questions of love. Many say anger is strong or happiness is strong, but love is bigger than happiness and stronger than anger. In fact, it is so strong that when a relationship of love is broken sadness and anger form. Almost every feeling we have is inside of love. So how do we understand love? Well, love is made and created not kept or set inside of us. God made all of these feelings we have except love and we started to mix those feelings and love was made, and it is still getting created even now. Every single day you experience love, you have just created it inside of you!   

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Look Within


I’m lost somewhere, a place I can’t describe. I went far away from the world I loved the most. I went West to East and North to South and this place I found. I’m stuck here with sadness, knowing no one will see or find me. Now tears are rolling down my cheeks. Can someone give me a handkerchief please? I sat here with nothing to do. It’s also awfully so dark, I can’t see you! I feel I’m going to blow in pieces, just wait and see. I’m stuck in this box awaiting, will someone save me from this catastrophe. I wish to only come out of this wicked place and understand how I got here in the first place. I’m sitting in a corner with my eyes closed and thought about how I got into this sticky mess.

Then I took a pencil a very sharp one indeed and a perfect piece of paper you see, and I thought some more and more and opened my eyes the room was no longer dark but bright. I poured out the words from my heart and head on to this piece of paper and realized I’m not WEAK and STUPID. I don’t look WIERD and AWKWARD. There was no more sadness but love. I’m me, a perfect me. Now I know who I am. In fact, every trait and look I have is special. I may be different but not bad. I’m perfect how I am. I have my way; I have my power. And I will always stay like this.

All I needed to do was to look within, and within my love, joy, sadness, and blessing I found the light within me. The doors opened and I was out. The wicked place was gone and no more existed. I felt free, I knew it was all in me. The world I thought was dark, became bright again. I closed my eyes for the last time I remembered the memory lane. I remembered every day when I was happy and sad, and I will never forget this one too. Today I found something, I didn’t know before. And now I’m happy with my inner strength I found. I’m free and so are you and all we have do is look within! 

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