
#inner strength

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Journey’s Strength: Embrace Life’s Path

Forever and ever there is someplace you can fly to. There is a home for you, waiting patiently. All you have to do is find it. There is always a person who is by your side, who will be there when you need a shoulder to cry on. All you have to do is find him/her. Your future is unknown, your past is forgotten, your present is what you want to be. There is a power inside us all. Shining brighter and brighter. All you have to do is activate it. It may take years or maybe just a few days, but in the end, you will find it. You are who you want yourself to be. You can do great things if you wish to. I can’t know your future but all I can say is that sad days will come.  Off days and gloomy ones will happen but all you have to do is be strong, and accept what happened even if it is hard to do so. Know your mistakes and move forward. Tomorrow is a brand new start. I will tell you life is not all puppies and rainbows, even though I wish it was. It is an obstacle course. Sometimes you’ll wobble and other times you will find balance. Sometimes you will fall and get back up. But in the end, we all know that you have achieved a lot.

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Unlikely Heroes

“Y’all were heroes from the beginning. You just didn’t ‘turn’ all of a sudden.” (Hinton, page #107) S. E. Hinton writes in her book The Outsiders. The Outsiders is about a group of teenage boys trying to survive in an environment of class division. Throughout the book, these boys continue to get tested on their morals. This raises the question of whether even a gang of teenage delinquents can be heroes. The simple answer is a hero doesn’t always wear a cape, a hero is someone selfless, has perspective, and is willing to speak out against injustice.

In The Outsiders, Johnny Cade shows heroism by being selfless. After Ponyboy almost gets drowned by Bob for“stealing” his ex-girlfriend. Johnny confesses to killing Bob to protect his friend. Referencing, in chapter 4, Johnny explains to Ponyboy,“‘I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might have killed you…’”(Hinton, page #57). This conveys heroism because although Johnny would have to be on the run for most of his life, he still decided to save Ponyboy. Selflessness matters in humanity because it can help connect with people, empathize with their struggles, and contribute to a positive change. In conclusion, Johnny Cade’s selfless act in The Outsiders demonstrates heroism.

In The Outsiders, Cherry Valance expresses heroism by having perspective. After Bob Sheldon’s (her ex-boyfriend) murder, the conflict between the greasers and Socs intensifies. Cherry sees the conflict from both sides. To illustrate, in chapter 6 after Dally tells Johnny and Ponyboy about their new spy Cherry, Dally goes on to say “‘She said she felt that the whole mess was her fault, which it is, and that she’d keep up with what was coming’ off with the Socs in the rumble and would testify that the Socs were drunk and looking for a fight and that you fought back in self-defense.’”(Hinton, page #85/86). This conveys perspective because although Cherry and Bob were once in a relationship she still sees the Greasers´ point of view and understands where both sides are coming from. Although Cherry is also a Soc herself she still spies on her closest friends just to help the greasers a little bit, because she understands the problem from all angles. Perspective is important to society and heroism because it helps people to view situations from other positions, and to consider other beliefs, experiences, and opinions. Such things are crucial for humanity and a hero because they give one a better understanding and greater empathy. It reduces bias, judgment, and conflict. When people don’t have perspective, they are quick with claims, which could end in unnecessary trouble. To summarize, a hero like Cherry Valance shows heroism by having perspective.

A hero speaks out against injustice, like Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders . In the novel, there is a lot of stereotyping between Socs and Greasers—the rich vs the poor. Ponyboy wants to help look out for the Greasers and for“boys like him”. As seen in the final few pages of the book, he thinks to himself “Someone should tell their side of the story, and maybe people would understand then and wouldn’t be so quick to judge a boy by the amount of hair oil he wore. It was important to me.”(Hinton, page # 179) This highlights Ponyboy coming to understand stereotyping and that he needs to advocate for those who are being judged on where they are from and how they look. Being an advocate and voice for problems such as class division, health and human rights, and food assistance, is a big idea in heroism because with so much going on in the world it can be hard to be seen but if that voice is heard it can help them build others’ confidence, help them push through, and take positive action. The impact of one person can last for many years and affect many people over time. Every hero needs to make a good impact on someone who doesn’t have the same chance or the opportunity to have their voice heard. To conclude, when someone like Ponyboy Curtis speaks out against injustice, they become a hero.

Not all heroes wear capes… Selfless people, who have perspective, and are willing to speak out against injustice are heroes too! If someone takes 1 minute of their day to look through the mess of selfishness and self-centered people to find someone who can benefit from their help then this small act of heroism will not only benefit the world by uplifting and enhancing other people’s lives but it inspires others to do the same.

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Where all the lost things go

The wind blew
The cold lake ripples
There is silence
My mind was empty
I had been running for miles.
And still, it was hopeless
I sit still by this lake calling your name
But it is hopeless
You are no longer in this world where you and I first met
You are far away, where lost things go
You are waiting for me
In a place where misplaced things go
I will find you soon
You are not gone
Your memory is forever
Though I may not be able to see you
You are there,
There, where lost things go
You are there smiling
You are there happy
Watching me learn from times when I fail
You are there where forgotten things go
A place full of lost, broken things
You are there and
I need to know no more

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A Journey of Ups and Downs

I peered out my window as the person in the seat nearby settled into his seat. I was so relieved when I saw the big yellow bus pull up at the bus stop, shining its painfully bright yellow light through the rain. I did not want to stand any minute longer outside as my coat and backpack got drenched in the pouring rain. The heat of the bus restored some warmth to my face as I took down my hood revealing a messy ponytail I tied in the morning. Just as the bus started to move I took out my book. My parents were few of the only parents who hadn’t given a phone to their 6th-8th graders yet. Meaning I and a very tiny portion of others on the bus were stuck using their computers, reading a book, or doing nothing. And today I decided to read. I was lucky that the person who usually sat in my assigned seat with me decided to go by car this morning, so now I got more room for myself, plus the window seat. I read the final 9 pages of the book as the bus stopped at a red traffic light. I lost interest in my book as I reread the last page, I turned to look out my window which was filled with tiny droplets. I could make out a pedestrian and a dog getting soaked in the rain as they crossed the road onto the street. I always imagined life as a street, like a sidewalk, sometimes bumpy, other times smooth. It is full of twists and turns but it is also straight. My mind wandered as the bus started to move again. I realized that life is a journey of ups and downs, with its fair share of roadblocks and detours. However, it is how we navigate through these obstacles that define us. A bit farther from the traffic light was a group of construction workers working on something on the side of the street. The old bumpy sidewalk was now smooth. Perhaps we can improve our own life like how they are improving the sidewalk. It’ll be a hard and tedious task that might take ages but once we change and get to where we wanted to be, it will be worth it! My face lit up as I thought about this. The rain seemed to be more like a drizzle as the bus stopped in the school parking lot. My backpack felt just a little lighter as I stepped down to campus grounds. I was about to head to class when a spectrum of colors appeared in the distance followed by a lighter spectrum right underneath. A double rainbow!


“If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door” – Ralph Waldo Emerson..a famous essayist

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A Friendship Forged Through Music

Her voice sounded like an angel. Her flowy yellow dress made her stand out. If you are passing by, you would see her on a vast platform dancing, every move memorized. You would have seen her singing with such zeal. I stood on the sidewalk below with a slowly forming crowd.

“Go, Sophie!” I called out. A few eyes shifted toward me. Sophie smiled as I tried to slink away to the nearby palmetto. I watched her from the shadows.

I had only met her a month before, but it felt like I had known her much longer. We met on the first day of school – the third day of August. The sun was shining, as I climbed onto the bus. I walked down the aisle, looking for a seat when I saw her. She was wearing ripped jeans and a black graphic T-shirt. With her long blond hair lying straight down her back, she stared outside the window while listening to music through her white earbuds. I didn’t get a clear look at her face, but I knew I had never seen her before. Without thinking, I took a seat next to her. Initially, she did not notice me, but as I took my phone from my pocket, her attention shifted to me. She examined me, from my worn-out sneakers to my brand-new haircut. Looking into my eyes, she gave the slightest hint of a smile. Finally, I got a clear look at her. Her eyes were pretty unusual. One eye was a soft brown, while the other was a shade of blue. Her face appeared almost emotionless.

“Are you new here?” I asked as she was about to turn her head to face the window again. She looked at me confused as if I had just spoken in a foreign language. Then she yanked off one of her earbuds.

“What?” she questioned, her voice soft and gentle.

 I repeated my question.

“Yes, my name is Sophie,” she smiled.

“Leo,” I replied, getting ready to exit the bus as it parked in front of the school.

 I ran to the music room when I stepped onto the school grounds. The music room had instruments from all over the world. It is my favorite room in the whole school. I would sit on the chair in front of the piano and compose songs until the bell rang. However, when I stepped into the room, I saw someone else sitting in the chair.

“Sophie?” I whispered. She did not notice me. Her eyes were closed, lost in her playing. I watched her for a few minutes before she started to sing. Her voice was mellifluous, and it filled the room with a feeling of peace. I stared at her for a bit more, about to leave when suddenly, the melodious music from the piano stopped. Sophie paused, opened her eyes, and looked at me in surprise. She had her right hand over her heart like she was about to have a heart attack.

“Hey, sorry I scared you, but you’re really talented.” I smiled as she started to relax.

“Thank you…., but please don’t tell anyone what you saw!” she replied quickly and began getting her things.

“I will promise you if you tell me how you got here so fast,” I smirked.

 “I used that door” She pointed to a backdoor I had never noticed before, then she ran away to her first period.

Music was the bond between us. Every morning we both would sing and play the instruments in the music room. One day, I was invited over to her house after school. Her house looked like anyone’s home, but when I stepped into her room, it looked a bit less girly than I thought it would be. It had dark blue painted walls and posters of famous singers everywhere. She had a microphone and a karaoke machine in her room. On the opposite side of where I was standing, next to her bed, was a keyboard.

I ran to the keyboard and asked, “Are you interested in becoming a singer?”

 She looked at me, and she started nodding and blushing.

 “What about you?” she asked.

My fingers lightly touched the keyboard keys as I opened my mouth to speak.

“Me… I want to be a musician, play in front of a huge audience… maybe even sing a few times… I just want to perform.” I replied, turning the keyboard on.

“You are gifted on the ukulele,” she commented as I played a few notes.

“Yeah well I am too shy to perform in front of an audience even though it is my dream, it’s kinda silly I know…” I mumbled.

“Not to me, remember how spooked I was when you first heard me sing? I ran away from the music room the first chance I got.” she chuckled.

 I smiled, turning to face her.

“One day we will perform together and get rid of our stage fright!” I promised.

 “Deal!” she exclaimed as we ran downstairs.

After that day, every day, I would go to her house. We both would play music and sing in her room until it was time for me to leave. I slowly got to know Sophie’s background. Her mother died when she was 4, so her dad remarried. Her stepmom, unlike Cinderella’s stepmom, is kind and sweet. Sophie had a pet dog named Lola, who died last year of old age. I also learned that she lived in Paris for 14 years before moving here. I had fun playing my ukulele or her keyboard, while she sang into her microphone.

Then one day she decided that she was ready. We had been in her garage when she told me that she was planning to do a serenade downtown. That day, she practiced singing her favorite song while I strummed on my ukulele. Every day after that, our kinship for music grew.

Now, she was standing on a stage singing the song I had heard a million times before, but every lyric seemed brand-new. When the song ended, the huge crowd that gathered cheered.

“Encore!” a man in a white Hawaiian shirt called out.

Sophie smiled, her eyes glittered under the shining sun. I slipped out of the shadows and pushed my way to the front of the crowd.

“Encore!” I yelled with them.

Sophie looked at me and held out her hand. The crowd froze, waiting, watching as she pulled me onto the stage. In the corner was a ukulele. She handed it to me. Together we faced the quiet audience. She started singing as I strummed along. Just as we had practiced. I grinned ear to ear as the others sang along too. This was like a dream come true!

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The Sea of Thoughts

I am surrounded by a blue sea. Its waves that once were wild are now still. I am away from my family and friends, I have gone far, so far… I could go back to the land, to the soft grass under my bare feet, to the fields of roses and tulips, but no. I have decided to stay, in the middle of a great sea. I dare not go farther. I won’t go back. I remain still in my little boat, deep in thought. I have escaped my troubles, locked them in my chest of worries and problems. I look around my boat and see a fishing rod. I cast it in the waters.  As I wait for a bite, I open the chest hesitantly. I instantly drown in my worries. I take one problem out at a time. I sit wondering. Here I am in the middle of a vast sea on an even giant planet in a gigantic universe. My problems suddenly seem so small like it was just an unnoticed scratch. Stronger than ever I opened my chest and dumped my problems all at once. They slowly disappear as I figure out an easy solution to each one. I smile when I pick up the last problem. Suddenly I felt a bite on the fishing rod. I happily pull the hook out of the water. The hook had a big fish. I think of the fish’s family and let it go. I find one more easy solution for the last problem. The heavy chest I had before was now empty and light. My work here is done. I pack up and look around, I smile. I turn the boat to go back home. I say bye, to the sea of thoughts.

Photo by Nuno Obey on Pexels.com

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Look Within


I’m lost somewhere, a place I can’t describe. I went far away from the world I loved the most. I went West to East and North to South and this place I found. I’m stuck here with sadness, knowing no one will see or find me. Now tears are rolling down my cheeks. Can someone give me a handkerchief please? I sat here with nothing to do. It’s also awfully so dark, I can’t see you! I feel I’m going to blow in pieces, just wait and see. I’m stuck in this box awaiting, will someone save me from this catastrophe. I wish to only come out of this wicked place and understand how I got here in the first place. I’m sitting in a corner with my eyes closed and thought about how I got into this sticky mess.

Then I took a pencil a very sharp one indeed and a perfect piece of paper you see, and I thought some more and more and opened my eyes the room was no longer dark but bright. I poured out the words from my heart and head on to this piece of paper and realized I’m not WEAK and STUPID. I don’t look WIERD and AWKWARD. There was no more sadness but love. I’m me, a perfect me. Now I know who I am. In fact, every trait and look I have is special. I may be different but not bad. I’m perfect how I am. I have my way; I have my power. And I will always stay like this.

All I needed to do was to look within, and within my love, joy, sadness, and blessing I found the light within me. The doors opened and I was out. The wicked place was gone and no more existed. I felt free, I knew it was all in me. The world I thought was dark, became bright again. I closed my eyes for the last time I remembered the memory lane. I remembered every day when I was happy and sad, and I will never forget this one too. Today I found something, I didn’t know before. And now I’m happy with my inner strength I found. I’m free and so are you and all we have do is look within! 

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