

Unlikely Heroes

“Y’all were heroes from the beginning. You just didn’t ‘turn’ all of a sudden.” (Hinton, page #107) S. E. Hinton writes in her book The Outsiders. The Outsiders is about a group of teenage boys trying to survive in an environment of class division. Throughout the book, these boys continue to get tested on their morals. This raises the question of whether even a gang of teenage delinquents can be heroes. The simple answer is a hero doesn’t always wear a cape, a hero is someone selfless, has perspective, and is willing to speak out against injustice.

In The Outsiders, Johnny Cade shows heroism by being selfless. After Ponyboy almost gets drowned by Bob for“stealing” his ex-girlfriend. Johnny confesses to killing Bob to protect his friend. Referencing, in chapter 4, Johnny explains to Ponyboy,“‘I had to. They were drowning you, Pony. They might have killed you…’”(Hinton, page #57). This conveys heroism because although Johnny would have to be on the run for most of his life, he still decided to save Ponyboy. Selflessness matters in humanity because it can help connect with people, empathize with their struggles, and contribute to a positive change. In conclusion, Johnny Cade’s selfless act in The Outsiders demonstrates heroism.

In The Outsiders, Cherry Valance expresses heroism by having perspective. After Bob Sheldon’s (her ex-boyfriend) murder, the conflict between the greasers and Socs intensifies. Cherry sees the conflict from both sides. To illustrate, in chapter 6 after Dally tells Johnny and Ponyboy about their new spy Cherry, Dally goes on to say “‘She said she felt that the whole mess was her fault, which it is, and that she’d keep up with what was coming’ off with the Socs in the rumble and would testify that the Socs were drunk and looking for a fight and that you fought back in self-defense.’”(Hinton, page #85/86). This conveys perspective because although Cherry and Bob were once in a relationship she still sees the Greasers´ point of view and understands where both sides are coming from. Although Cherry is also a Soc herself she still spies on her closest friends just to help the greasers a little bit, because she understands the problem from all angles. Perspective is important to society and heroism because it helps people to view situations from other positions, and to consider other beliefs, experiences, and opinions. Such things are crucial for humanity and a hero because they give one a better understanding and greater empathy. It reduces bias, judgment, and conflict. When people don’t have perspective, they are quick with claims, which could end in unnecessary trouble. To summarize, a hero like Cherry Valance shows heroism by having perspective.

A hero speaks out against injustice, like Ponyboy Curtis in The Outsiders . In the novel, there is a lot of stereotyping between Socs and Greasers—the rich vs the poor. Ponyboy wants to help look out for the Greasers and for“boys like him”. As seen in the final few pages of the book, he thinks to himself “Someone should tell their side of the story, and maybe people would understand then and wouldn’t be so quick to judge a boy by the amount of hair oil he wore. It was important to me.”(Hinton, page # 179) This highlights Ponyboy coming to understand stereotyping and that he needs to advocate for those who are being judged on where they are from and how they look. Being an advocate and voice for problems such as class division, health and human rights, and food assistance, is a big idea in heroism because with so much going on in the world it can be hard to be seen but if that voice is heard it can help them build others’ confidence, help them push through, and take positive action. The impact of one person can last for many years and affect many people over time. Every hero needs to make a good impact on someone who doesn’t have the same chance or the opportunity to have their voice heard. To conclude, when someone like Ponyboy Curtis speaks out against injustice, they become a hero.

Not all heroes wear capes… Selfless people, who have perspective, and are willing to speak out against injustice are heroes too! If someone takes 1 minute of their day to look through the mess of selfishness and self-centered people to find someone who can benefit from their help then this small act of heroism will not only benefit the world by uplifting and enhancing other people’s lives but it inspires others to do the same.

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App Review | WordUp(Vocab Builder)

  Attention all Readers and Writers. In today’s world, it is hard to grow up not knowing at least some simple phrases or words in English. But no matter how well you write and speak this global language, even if you are a native speaker there will always be a couple of words that you miss. But no one wants to go and carry a dictionary or thesaurus around during work/school/or even a conversation. Ok so you have your phone with you, that is Great…Until it runs out of battery! So how do you learn words and phrases that best suit you and your daily life and interests? Well, there are hundred different ways, but what seems to be a public favorite is  Wordup. Wordup is a fun and easy-to-install app on your phone and is available on google play and the Apple App Store and has 5 million+ downloads and users.


How does Wordup work?

  Wordup starts by asking you simple questions like your age range, why you want to improve your English, your favorite topics, and your field of work. Then it gathers all that information and makes something they call a Knowledge Map using the words that are most important in your life.  Once you mark words you know, it will help you learn the meanings of words that you don’t know using fun quotes, dictionary definitions, pictures, and fun youtube videos. The app lets you chat with AI forms of celebrities and public figures to help your English be top-notch.  This app even has a feature where it will give you feedback on your writing. 


Pros and Cons

This may be the most fun English learning app using AI and other tools I have come across. In my opinion, this app is the best to learn English especially if you live in a non English speaking country.  A small problem with the app is that many features that you rely upon to help you get better are limited for some time, if you are using the free version.  For example, with the free version, with the AI celebrities messaging feature you can only send up to 20 messages. Also, the app has this review feature where you go over words that you learned the previous day. In this feature you have 3 hearts, and you lose a heart each time you mess up a word while you are reviewing. When you lose all three, there is no way to get them back unless you wait until the next day, have the pro version, or you learn 100 new words. This I can understand can get on people’s nerves when all they are trying to do is practice words they already know. Another problem is that the app does not have a free offline version, to get the offline version you would need to upgrade to pro.  On the bright side, this app has won many awards and has helped many develop their English speaking and writing skills. 



In conclusion, Wordup is an innovative and engaging app that offers a unique approach to English language learning. By tailoring its content to individual users’ preferences and interests, it provides a personalized learning experience that is both effective and enjoyable. The app’s features, such as fun quotes, dictionary definitions, and interactive videos, make the process of learning new words and phrases exciting and interactive. Additionally, the ability to chat with AI forms of celebrities and public figures adds a touch of realism and practicality to the learning experience. While the free version of the app may have some limitations, Wordup’s overall benefits outweigh these minor drawbacks. The app’s success in helping non-native English speakers, especially those living in non-English speaking countries, is a testament to its effectiveness. With its numerous awards and positive reviews, Wordup has established itself as a leading tool for enhancing English speaking and writing skills.

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Book Review | The Cousins

The Cousins, written by New York Times bestselling author Karen M. McManus, is a thrilling and suspenseful novel. It explores the secrets and mysteries of a wealthy family with a dark past. The story follows three cousins – Milly, Aubrey, and Jonah Story – who are invited to spend the summer on their grandmother’s island resort, despite never having met her or each other before. Their parents are all clear on one point–not going is not an option. All the parents are interested in is getting back into their mom’s good graces and this might be their only chance. But it turns out life has another plan for this family tree. As soon as the Story kids arrive on the island they start uncovering a tangled web of lies, betrayals, and long-buried secrets that have been tearing the family apart for years.



McManus expertly spins a long tale of family drama and mystery, with twists and turns that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat. While this story is only 336 pages long it still allows for a lot of emotional depth and character development. The creative characters each have their own unique personalities, motivations, weaknesses, strengths, and most importantly, secrets. Any reader will become more engrossed in the story due to the crazy family dynamics and relationships.


Setting and themes

Despite the beachy setting, this book has some dark undertones. What seems like an idyllic location to spend the summer is actually a mask for the crazy things that take place in the story. The island is merely a cover-up for the mystery, unease, and danger beneath the picturesque scenery. While The Cousins is mainly just a frightening mystery novel it also explores themes such as family, identity, and loyalty. The novel makes you question the nature of family and how much you will sacrifice to help someone that shares your own blood.


Dislikes and Likes

In my opinion, the book could have had more of a suspense and mystery element. The many twists were interesting and made you want to keep reading but they were also kind of random and some did not add much to the story. The book was also very slow-paced and things did not start getting really interesting until the last few chapters. I actually fell asleep a lot trying to read this book because some chapters were…I wouldn’t say boring but just lacked a bit of suspense.

Many mystery books I have read before (These were not Young Adults) had a bit more of a mystery factor than its book but other than that I actually enjoyed reading it. One of the main reasons I think is that I am used to reading and writing realistic and fantasy fiction stories. This book was one of my first books in the Young Adult Mystery Thriller genre. Being one of my first books it gave me a good understanding of what other books in this genre might be like. Also, it gave me an excellent introduction to the category in general. I also liked it because the characters were very deep. Although some relationships in the story seemed a little forced (*cough* Especially the romance between Jonah and Millly *cough* you’ll understand if you read the book *cough * Also I think I might have a cold) many interactions between characters were nice and were written in a realistic way.



Overall, The Cousins is a gripping and nicely crafted read that will appeal to many beginning fans of mystery and suspense. Our bestselling author Karen M. McManus has crafted a compelling story with well-imagined and planned-out characters and a richly detailed setting that affects the story in many ways. The novel is certainly a thrilling read for anyone who is new to the Young Adult mystery genre like me! If you are a huge fan of this author, you should certainly read this book. This book has sadly disappointed some fans of mysteries who have decided to try the book out because of its rave reviews. However, there are also many who love it. I’m in between loving it and hating it. This book may not be my favorite novel but it is really fun to read. It is definitely an awesome book to keep in mind when trying to find an enjoyable book.












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