

The Start of Something Great

When the creator first started, I was a pile of mush, a splatter of something that wasn’t defined yet. I was blank, but I knew I was the beginning of something meaningful, but what? What was I supposed to be? I was hungry for something to feed my shapeless body. So the creator fed me, and I slowly got a few angles and corners. But I was still hungry, my embodiment wanted more of this magic mixture. So the creator gave me some more. Slowly I felt a tingle. My undefinable self looked more familiar to the eyes that surrounded me. The blob features and crazy angles I had before took on different shapes. But still, it wasn’t enough. I wanted more so the creator took a moment and stared into my hollow soul. He/she then dug around in his/her pockets and pulled out random items from his/her hat, but nothing he/she found pleased him/her. Until the creator found a bag that shined brighter than a light bulb. Inside was a string, a wisp of something yummy, something that looked amazing, and one of a kind. Each wisp had a different color and a different vibe. And the creator fed me this sweet string. Soon I felt my body, and the shapes that made it up became more connected and more composed. I had turned into something different. I was no longer a blob or a collection of figures. I was something more. The Creator fed me more and more wisps all of which tasted different but equally delicious. I was turning into something amazing. But my soul still felt hollow. I had a thirst for something euphoric. Then the creator poured something into my essence that made it no longer empty but filled with buzz, and energy. I felt that finally I had come to life. Color filled my lungs and mind. Now I can speak and communicate my meaning. I was now enlighted about my purpose in this world that was taking shape and color. The creator smiled at me. I looked around, there were more like me but we didn’t all look the same, or do the same thing. However, I could see that we all started the same way. We all were once blobs without a shape, soul, or mind. However, as our journey began we began changing in different ways that made each one of us unique. The Creator told us that we weren’t flawless, and weren’t what he/she had in mind initially. Nevertheless, he/she was happy with the outcome, and so were we. I looked out to my peers, and together we all shared a smile and we thanked the creator for giving us shape, soul, and a mind.

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freedom, happiness, woman-3993898.jpg

The Spark

The sun is about to set, the day is about to be over. The colors pink, blue, purple, orange and slight yellow fill the sky. The faraway sounds of chatter start to fade over the crashes of the ocean waves that crash over the shore. The hot sand under my feet is now cold as I take off my sun hat. The cool air sways my hair. I take some more steps before taking a seat and while I walk, thoughts swirl through my head. The beach is empty except the few people I have left behind that are now disappearing in the view. I take a seat on top of a huge rock and watch the ocean, the waves, the sky and think….

What is life?

Why am I here?

What is the connection between me and the world?

I watched the ocean waves crash onto the shore leaving the treasures of faraway places on the sand. The seagulls over my head start flying towards the sun. I smile when a tiny spark catches my eyes, I run to see what it is. A small white pebble laid there on the soft sand. How can this little thing be so bright from faraway?

I held the beautiful stone, I held it close to my heart, closed my eyes, and thought of  nothing except the light of the white sparkling pebble and suddenly I felt the glow of the pebble. My tired and weak legs felt strong, my sleepy brain felt wide awake and healthy. I felt that the pebble was part of me like my hands and legs my nose and mouth, but stronger. I felt refreshed, more positive, and calm. I felt like I could do anything. I felt like I was more than who I thought I was, and I know I am part of something big.

I opened my eyes  and smiled as I  looked at the vast ocean once more and walked my way back home with the stone in my hands.


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