

The Faces of Death

Mrs. Huffilton sat comfortably in her old red armchair

As she stared off into space without any care

Her arms cradled a little doll

Her hair was undone

Her frail body, covered in something fit for a ball

Her eyes, black, as the darkness that surrounded her

The silence was loud, not empty

She waited patiently

For the ratting, tapping on her door


Lost in her thoughts she was

Waiting patiently for the scream of the kettle

Her cheeks smudged in black ink

Her lips were a shade of bloody red

Her appearance looked like someone who had just gotten out of bed


In front of her was a puddle of her tears but she just looked straight ahead

Her lips curled into smile, revealing her rotten teeth

When soft steps broke her focus.

 Her eyes returned to their hungry gaze

He had come


The broken holes in the wall let the wind outside flow in

Killing the flame in her heart and the rage in her head

“Death” she whispered

As the breeze around her carried her words away.


The man outside grinned

His face may have shown centuries of dead hope

But his stance spoke otherwise

His eyes lit up like a fireplace

He gave a small grin before

Fully disguising himself as a tall bony man

With only his library of knowledge and his carefully planned speech to give him away.

The golden watch attached to the chain on his pocket ticked furiously


His long fingers curled up, as he extended his index revealing a a ring of Ruby Zoisite

Ding Dong

Mrs. Huffilton rose from her seat, screaming excitedly.

Yelling in pain

Dancing of joy

Her mournful squall, disguised behind kettle’s squeal


Her dress hung loosely from her body as she threw her front door open

shining moonlight into her rather drafty home

Clothes and undergarments were thrown everywhere

Piles of broken cups and stacks of plates and bowls were placed everywhere except the kitchen sink

A small rat climbed up her leg, as her smile stretched to its limit


“Darling you have finally come back…” she squeaked,

“Look I have even worn a dress for the occasion”

The man at the door looked her up and down before grabbing her by the waist and placing his gigantic ring on her finger.

“Look what I got you”

After a kiss on her cheek

And a lot of pleading for another one on the lips


They sat in darkness, the door shut tight, behind them

 “Oh I forgot all about the tea, excuse me my dear” she ran off

Bringing back a tray filled with an array of stale cookies and baked goods, making barely any place for the two saucers and teacups filled to the brim

”Darling, it’s time” the man urged, checking his watch before taking another sip of tea.

“But you have just come, Doesn’t Mr. Huffilton want to spend more time with his waiting wife?” she asked her face sinking, as she looked down.

The man in front of her only gave silence, face hidden in the dark of the room


2 minutes went by as the couple just sat, with only the sound of the timing watch to fill the silence, slurping down tea

When Mrs. Huffilton gasped, leaving the room.

The man in the armchair just nodded, ignoring the fact, that if she was still even in the room

Then she returned wearing fabric that hugged so tight to her skin

it was as good as standing there naked

“I got it on our last anniversary, you said it made me look like a model in Fashion Magazine!” she explained before she was swept back in the memories of her past


When her body was young again, and her face not drained of its color.

 Her hair is as healthy as the many thriving plants outside in the garden.

Then arrived tears, and the rage in her broken heart burned again

“Why did you leave me here, why did you leave and never come back? You were supposed to come back!”


The man gave not a reply, but his hand

“No, just 5 more minutes. I have so much to say…”

“He is waiting for you like you were for him” the man finally spoke


Hesitantly she took his hand and kissed him on his lips.

 Before collapsing to the ground.

The watch finally stopped ticking, and the wind gave a long sigh, pushing the door open


 Soon came the break of dawn

His hair turned to flame-red

His eyes back to an innocent look

As he shrunk down to the size of a little boy

He gave her one last look,

Before heading outside in tattered clothes and a hopeful smile.


Tomorrow he was gonna play an old man.

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Where all the lost things go

The wind blew
The cold lake ripples
There is silence
My mind was empty
I had been running for miles.
And still, it was hopeless
I sit still by this lake calling your name
But it is hopeless
You are no longer in this world where you and I first met
You are far away, where lost things go
You are waiting for me
In a place where misplaced things go
I will find you soon
You are not gone
Your memory is forever
Though I may not be able to see you
You are there,
There, where lost things go
You are there smiling
You are there happy
Watching me learn from times when I fail
You are there where forgotten things go
A place full of lost, broken things
You are there and
I need to know no more

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The wind blew, making my hair go haywire as the waves of the water below carried a small boat. In the hurry of the day I lost someone so precious, so wonderful, so cherished that my mind began to go wandering far into the blue-green ocean. I could not hear the gossip and chattering of the voices that surrounded me. All I saw was darkness, and I felt like I was drowning in untouched waters, gasping for air, screaming for help but no one can hear. And if I ever would make it out alive, no one will understand the pain, the amount of fear and terror I bore. No one will know how it feels to feel so weak that you think your soul is going to leave your body. Tears fell from my eyes but no one noticed them. They say they know how it feels, but do they? They say that they have your back but do they? Because if they did, where are they now when I needed them most? I stayed quiet the whole way back from the funeral location, my eyes were glossy. I moved and looked like I was hypnotized for the next following days at least that’s what they told me. They told me for a few days/weeks it will feel weird and depressing, the internet told me it would be like that for 6 months and after that, everything will go back to normal. Like with everything they were wrong. Normal? What is normal without the person you love with your whole heart? How normal is normal if a whole chunk of your life is missing? As I walked down the street, people would whisper, look at me in pity. But I ignored them. Usually in movies, this is the part where the person gives up on living and takes up bad habits but my life was not a movie. I would go through the motions of daily life and then at precisely 6 o’clock I would head to the beach and stare at the water. Just stare as memories flood my mind, how can someone I was hearing and interacting with just a few months ago disappear? I was mad, I was angry. How could the universe take something away from me that was more valuable than gold? Some days I felt weak and powerless, and others I felt like screaming and cursing at the top of my lungs. But no matter how I felt each day would end with me crying my heart out. I didn’t feel like smiling, eating, or going out with friends knowing that the person I thought would be with me forever was gone. I still lived though because many were relying on me like relied on the very person that drifted away from me. As time went on, I learned to live with this empty spot in my heart, I learned to laugh even though deep inside I was crying. I learned to be myself again without the person that kept me going. When people asked as they do, I would share our story. I am old now, my hair is gray, I am close to breathing my last breath, and I find comfort in this because soon I will meet the person I miss so deeply. Nothing is forever even sadness.

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The Mother’s Day Gift

I looked out the window at the houses outside, spring had already started, the snow melted away leaving puddles for children to jump in. It was raining outside, I could hear the pitter-patter of rain on our house’s rooftop, slowly I changed my view, to the tiny raindrops on the window. I looked carefully as a tiny drop fell from the dark gray clouds on to my bedroom window, it slid and started to make its own path, it went zigzag and then down again without a care. The tiny droplet was now getting bigger and bigger as it bumped into other droplets, when it finally at the bottom it was as big as a button. It has been raining all of April and some of May. Just then the sun shined brighter than ever, Snowflake, my cat, jumped on my lap.

“Clara” mom called “lunch is ready”

I rushed downstairs and saw my mother serving us the delicious food she had made. I took a seat at the table and watched her every move like she was the most interesting person in the world. Snowflake kept trying to get my attention, but I was too focused on my mom. Her blue, loving eyes twinkled as she kept food on the table. Her brown hair swayed as she took her seat. She looked at me as if I was a wonder.

I took a deep breath and kept my hand in my sweater pocket. And the words spilled out of my mouth “Happy Mother’s Day” I cried then I grabbed something out of my pocket, into my hand. It was a handmade necklace I had made for my mom. I felt embarrassed, I knew the necklace was not so good, I thought she may not like it, but still I held out my hands to show it. Then something astonishing happened, my mom’s surprise face turned into a happy face. She smiled, then I did too.

I had a tiny feeling in my heart that maybe the necklace was not that bad, and maybe she liked it, but that is still a mystery…

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Two wonderful hearts to fill love inside you

Love is a whisper to the ear. It is a weakness to the heart and a distraction to the mind. Only a couple of us can handle it. Even animals feel it. Love is all around us, it knows us, and sticks to us like glue. It is inside every single living thing on earth. But the question is do we know it? Do we stick to it? Do we live inside it? These questions are all waiting for answer. Humans are the smartest living thing God has ever made and we humans want answers to every single question about everything around us, and as time goes by, questions are getting made and answered but we are never able to answer the questions of love. Many say anger is strong or happiness is strong, but love is bigger than happiness and stronger than anger. In fact, it is so strong that when a relationship of love is broken sadness and anger form. Almost every feeling we have is inside of love. So how do we understand love? Well, love is made and created not kept or set inside of us. God made all of these feelings we have except love and we started to mix those feelings and love was made, and it is still getting created even now. Every single day you experience love, you have just created it inside of you!   

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